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Notebook Transformr

Python 3.8 Python 3.9 Python 3.10 Python 3.11


The Notebook Transformr module, part of OuterSpace Apizr, is a Python utility that leverages nbconvert to transform Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb files) into Python modules (.py files). It includes additional features like removing consecutive empty lines, filtering specific lines, and leveraging pipreqs to generate a requirements.txt file with notebook dependencies. It's compatible with Python 3.8 and later versions.


  • Conversion to Python: Converts Jupyter notebooks to Python scripts.
  • Line Filtering: Removes unnecessary lines like the shebang and # In[X].
  • Empty Line Compression: Reduces consecutive empty lines to a single empty line.
  • Code Formatting with Black: Utilizes the Black code formatter to ensure that the generated code is clean and consistent with the PEP 8 style guide.
  • Requirements Generation: Generates a requirements.txt file based on the notebook's dependencies.



To use Notebook Transformr, install the required dependencies using the requirements.txt file located in the apizr/src/notebook_transformr directory.

pip install -r requirements.txt


To convert a Jupyter notebook into a Python module, use the NotebookTransformr class from the notebook_transformr module.

from notebook_transformr import NotebookTransformr

transformer = NotebookTransformr()
source, _ = transformer.convert_notebook(file_path)
output_path = transformer.save_script(source, output_dir, filename)

This will generate a .py file in the specified output directory and handle specific formatting options like removing consecutive empty lines.


To use Notebook Transformr as a Docker container, you'll need Docker installed on your system. Pull the Notebook Transformr image from Docker Hub:

docker pull

Run the Notebook Transformr container:

docker run -it --rm